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26 Game Reviews w/ Response

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the visuals are really
atrocious and the game
lacks originality, creativity,
and more importanly any
entertainment. you truely
do need a good artists that
is willing work with you and
work on coming up with some
better ideas and groundbreaking
design. otherwise this isnt front
page material and isnt one of
the better flash fps on this
site. this truely needs some
improvement. also, it needs
some music and better sfx
effects. it was not only bland,
dull, boring, monotonous to
look at; but also to play and
listen to.
score: *

FrostedMuffins responds:

You are truelly awful. Thanks for lifting my spirits and making today my best day ever


the gameplay wasnt that
amazing, creative, original,
and one midly entertaining. the
only thing going for it was the
castlevania-esque vain in it.
though the controls were very
clunky and unpolished, something
that needs to be considered fixing
in the full version of the game. also,
another problem was on the moving
platform bits, it seemed that you
could stay on the platform as it went
offscreen. which is very cumbersome
because its hard to actually continue
forward when you mostly cant even
see your own character. there was
the occasional stutter in the animation,
which the frame rate could of been smoother
and the occasional lock up, which is bluntly
horrible. the visuals were simple, lackluster,
and not very visually stimulating. the sound
effects and music was only mediocre. i do
realize this was just a demo version, but
it still needs a lot of work and reconditioning
before it is finalized.
score: **

Micol-Rankin-Games responds:

This game is only 25% complete. I fully intend to take this game to completely new heights with the release. The only reason I released this was for feedback. I was fortunate enough to get a front page spot!

lacking any real entertainment

i got to admit, i like the animation
style, very remeniscent of the old
school mortal kombat 1, which they
used actual actors for the characters.
though this is a very shallow game,
even for a beat-em up, which i do
realize that most beat-em ups have
that same formula. though most other
games in the genre tend to have more
special power ups and moves then the
generic kick and punch, which seemed
like i was doing instintally through out
its course. it becomes very repitive and
loses appeal way too easily, also, it lacks
creative talent in the presentation...it features
an average joe character fighting random
bums on the street, just needs more visual
flare then this. as for the music, it kinda gets
the job done, but seems to add even more to
the montous feeling you get from the game with
bland, elevator-esque music playing on the main
score: **

gavD responds:

Thanks for the review. There's certainly a lot of room for improvement in the game - please check out my next beat 'em up, End of Nightmares, which will be out soon - hopefully you'll like that one better.

needs more depth

though it was fun for only
five min, what five min those
were. this is very remeniscent
of chainsaw the children, but
in my opinon, even better.
the violence was brutal and
i liked playing as jason jr.
it was kinda challenging to
avoid the presents while
trying to kill the elves, but
it wasn that hard to get the
meter full to turn into the
big jason with the chainsaw,
which was kick ass! the music
and sfx added a nice touch,
especiallt the horror music.
though how come you didnt
add the classic melody that
friday the 13th is know for:
duv duv duv ch ch ch ah ah ah


CreativeFetus responds:

I was going to put the Jason warning sound in it, but dropped it for two reasons:

1.I didn't know where it would fit.
2.I didn't find a clear sound, without noise in the background.

And by the way, it's actully "Ki, Ki, Ki, Ma, Ma, Ma"(From F13th part 1, where Jason "says" 'Kill her Mommy, Kill her!'.

you cant go wrong

very good:
the game is very addictive and
challenging, but not so difficult
that it it impossible to beat. i
liked the interactivity of
customizing your own main
character or chosing a preset.
though i couldnt help but to notice
that you had scorpion in it, kickass!
little easter eggs like this further
adds to the cool factor. the
animations were fluid and smooth.
slow mo effects were some of the best
i have seen ever, and werent the
overused matrix effects, this was
very original. backgrounds were
good, especially in the temple were
you could see your own reflection.
though i wish there were more
backgrounds and more unique
boss characters between rounds.
this was already great on its own,
but if you were to do a sequel, these
features will make it better and keep
it from being another incarnation of the
same game, also special moves would
be neat. this looks like a great fighting
game in the making, guessing by 1.0,
and it looks like it will be a very
reminiscent flash version of mortal


Jannata responds:

Thanks for the review, mj.

nothing too new or interesting

This game isn't as great as it is hyped to be.
Interesting concept of doging and avoiding, but levels hardly differ from another. It just seems like I'm continuing forever, with no end in sight. This makes the player start to lose interest and when I died, I just stop. There isn't that much of an incentive to keep playing.
Also, you shouldn't be able to get more then one hazard at a time, at one point, I had both fast motion and reverse controls, which easily guarentees a game over.
Though the game does have challenge, which I like, but gets too frustrating when I collect a lot of evil faries, then get hit by a barage of speeding good ones. This would make me start the process all over again. It seems unfair as to why there are barely any good powerups and plentiful bad ones. Maybe I am complaining too much, but dificulty seems to be a little unbalanced.
This problem with repitious gameplay and nothing ground breaking about this title, keep it from being any different from any other medicore flash games.
Music was fitting and the intro added a nice touch though.


Pinnicle responds:

So, the game was hard and you didn't like it. Look at that. A two page review made into one sentense.

The incentive to play, besides the challenge, is to get the passwords to play as 2 hidden characters.

oh yeah!

66625 ponts
1214 kills
Try to beat that!
Though I'm pretty shure that wasn't the best score =P
I thought that this game was really entertaining, despite how it was really slow. I do realized that zombies are slow, so it make sense as to why is, but despite a possible reason doesn't make up for one of it's flaws. Even on low quality I still did have issues with speed. Maybe it's just me, but I hope there is some way you can fix it if not.
The visuals were ok, not that stylish in presnetation or appeal, but just medicore.
I found the sound very humourous with the grunts and shambles for...brains...and I'm hungry. It seems some people don't understand why it takes them 30 shots to kill a zombie, the reason is that they aren't aiming for the weak spot on thier head. I'm a big afficiando of zombies and I'm glad that you applied that technique into the game. Also, it reminded me of one of george romero's dead movies becuase thier is always a group, in this case one, of individuals who barricade themselves into a building of some sort against a barrage of the undead.
Violence seem lacking and I kind of expected more, since it is dealing with zombies.
The gameplay was awesome, dispite the slow down, and I found the extensive amount of upgrades solid. You can build up your house with mines, barb wire fences, wood plankes, etc. Same goes for the weapons which consists of uzi, shotgun, molotov cocktails, etc. (This remindes me of the fort in 28 days later.) I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see all of my cool upgrades becuase of the easy progression I was making in the first half, but found that with each level it got harder and longer. Despite the slight difficulty change, the game was still to easy to beat and near the end I was invincible.
Though most would see this as another fortress game, it does have a clever clitch. Though you could still upgrade your fort like the others, this had a nice targeting system. Not only can you hit certain body parts...well two really... you also have a alternate weapon which can be selected between transitions. Even the reload system was neat and had me nervously anticipating for it to fill up again as the enemies draw near.
Nice features, but length mixed with simple difficulty adds up to boredom.


Seawana responds:

Great review! A few things to note:

1. Speed is definitely an issue, but it is not due to the amount of objects on screen so much as all the code running in the background to make those enemies work right. Fixable? Possibly, but don't hold your breath.

2. You can shoot any part of the enemies, head, body or arms/legs. Heck you can even shoot away the arms if you hit them enough.

3. I have uploaded a modifed version that makes the zombies a little faster and thus a little harder.

8/10: booyah!

Nicely done!
It was original and creative game. It reminded me a lot of divine intervention, but underwater. Liked how you had the difficluty actually get harder, further you progressed in the game. Though I would of enjoyed an extra fight scene at the end with the boss.
The violence was good, but not gory. Liked the use of the skeleton conept.
Though my only problem with this is that you have to change the quality by the 2nd level without warning because the gun starts to stutter, but not that big of a deal.
Sound was fitting with style of game, but sparse.

nickcrocco responds:

Thank you so much for the great review. It is reviews like this that make posting on newgrounds so awesome. Excellent constructive criticism. I will definitely take your advice about gun trouble and sound design into account on my next game.

5/10: medicore

Loses appeal way to easily.
The graphics were horrible.
Nice concept with aiming, timing and obstacles though.
Got bored before making it to the end.

jmtb02 responds:

Even though your rating wasn't what I wanted, I appreciate the fact that you actually told me what you didnt like. It's annoying to get reviews that aren't reviews... thanks for your input!

7/10: good

It was good, but short. It's very unique and bizzare. The game concept was cool and intuitive when you have to correspondingly press the same button sequence to accomplish a certain task. It played pretty smoothly and was entertaining while it lasted. My only complaint was what happened? The story was really bizzare, more then the characters that look like card board boxes, and was hard to follow. I guess it really doesn't matter since in the end it was still great.
4/5: hope there is more action in sequel!

DJRunaway responds:

Yeah, the story is bizzare. Everybody always asks me if I'm on drugs or something... :) It runs 25 FPS and the characters are supposed to look like cardboard boxxes... Nobody ever made a whole "cube themed" thing... :) The story will reveal in part 2, when you'll see the whole situation from another point of view... :)

Thanks for the review,

clockwork little happiness

Age 36, Male


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