View Profile Michelangelo

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it didnt quite find it
that funny...more
monotonous and
tedious to watch.
though i have to
admitt it was
delightfully qwerky
with solid looking
visuals. also...a
little inspired by
'ren & stimpy' in
some instantces.
score: **

solid preview

i love the manga-esque
visuals with the creative
and stylish slick character
designs of the gaming
systems. the preview
does leave a viewer
such as me to desire for
more...and i wouldnt go
as far to say that this
idea is stupid...maybe
not entirely imaginative,
but very appealing and
a possible kickass animation.
look forward to seeing if it
ever makes it out into the
score: ***


unique and original
visuals that carries
its own artistic flare.
i liked the dbz reference
and fighting cinematics
which lend to the great
graphics and special
effects. overall it was
an oddity, but quite
entertaining to watch.
also, hercule rocks! ^_^
score: ****

cherrorist responds:

YAY, Satan! Satan!
Thanx MJ.


the whole experience
of the film was very
cartoony...in the literal
sense, kinda similiar to
the kiddy mourning
cartoons, ie: tom and
jerry. with the exception
of the mild violence of
course. though sfx effects
were bland and monotonous
to listen to and the story just
wasnt the entertaining or
humorful. maybe a little
kid would get a kick out
of it...though most viewers
on this site consist of an
older audience then that.
so overall, it wasnt appealing
that stylish...so nothing too
new or interesting in short.
score: *

solid movie

the visuals were simple,
but did have its own
classic game aesthetic.
the music was very fitting
and of course...original,
which should earn you
more kudos points
towards the end of
the month vote. i liked
the whole retro-esque
feel and it was a blast
to watch!
score: ***

solid movie

the visuals were simple,
but the amount of detail
and accuracy put into
the vehicles and
backgrounds was
impressive. the flash
had a nice array and
variety of music and
the interactive menu
and extras added a
nice touch overall.
as for the content...
well, it is just another
war movie with only
6 scenes of action.
and when compared to
other flash movies of
the genre, this did seem
to lack the amount of carnage
that others contained. im not
an expert on political issues,
though i do believe that we
are architects of our own
destruction. its human
nature to cause conflict
and violence. so even if
this exact scenerio doesnt
happen, something along the
lines probably will.
score: ***

not too shabby

its quite different then
your other works indeed
foxcato. though i seem
to be more of a fan
towards your dark
works, especially
after viewing this,
but for what it is...its
a nice, light hearted
cartoon with fitting music
and great visuals. i would
only reccomend watching
this if you dont mind a
pointless, yet sappy love
story. or otherwise, look
somewhere else.
score: ***

subperb flash

i really enjoyed the
anime-esque madness
and entertainment. the
graphics were surprisingly
sharp and some of the
fastest framerate i have
seen. very fluid and not so
much as a stutter. the
characters were unique
and each had their own
personal style and a variety
of weapons, consisting from
anime shows like gundam.
speaking of variety, the
music came from such
distinguish sources such
as metal gear, kill bill...
and probably some anime
show :)
this overalls delievers
quite a refreshing and
qwerky experience that
is a must watch, hope to
see more.
score: *****

clockwork little happiness

Age 35, Male


Hockinson High


Joined on 5/3/04

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