View Profile Michelangelo

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well, jeff did that only
because of his mental
stability and being pushed
to his limits. he was picked
on by school and being beat
up, so beating someone up
to stop them for doing what
they were originally planned
to do doesnt mean they'll
stop. by doing that actually
reinforces them to do it even
more. also, im surprised to see
the committee of "good" guys
that tries teaching some sense
to him...yet, one of them was a
kkk member. last time i check,
they are just as bad as jeff.
despite the questionable purpose
of the flash, it did look remarkably
similair to his animation and the
fbf was fluid. also, the voicework
reminds me of to that of Joe
Cartoons works. in the end,
you cant fight violence with
violence, it just doesnt work
and it makes you no better
then them.
score: *

not too shabby

despite the whole
controversy that this
cartoon touches on, it
was surprisingly light
hearted and shouldnt
be that offensive, even
considering the last spoof
with ms. dynamite, which
this lacks in comparison
too. i enjoyed the cartoon
caricatures and didnt see
that coming...just like the
warner brothers frog, which
i have to say was neat
integration of the two.
despite that the cartoon
was very simple and not
that lol or rofl funny.
score: ***


the animation was very
unique and had its own
artistic flare, original
graphics and design.
the humor was qwerky
and bizzare, and the
voicework was really
good, in the sense of
clarity and british accent.
also, with the touch of violence,
this adds up to a well rounded
and decent flash animation. im
just still a little confused to
exactly know what to think
of it.
score: ***

EdibleCastle responds:

no worries, thx for the review, sorry the cartoon confused you.


well, the ending animation
with dark was a lot more
impressive and fluid then
with the intro with sonic.
the violence was gory and
bloody satistifing. the sfx
effects were kinda bland,
repitious, and monotonous;
especially with the footsteps
in the beginning. though it
was good for a chuckle, but
not necessarily any rofl or
lol moments.
score: **

subperb animation

another great episode
to put it simply. visuals
are fluid, character and
art design is original, and
funny and qwerky dialogue.
and for its file size, it loads
pretty quick, ruining the point
of a preloader. of course there
is no music, but not the necessary
for the subperb voices makes up
for it and add character. also, the
detail in backgrounds and all overall
project truely does show itself in this
episode. just keep improving and
score: *****

not too shabby

like the crisp, fresh,
and original artwork.
though the humor wasnt
that amazing and sfx with music
was simplistic. plus the length
of the flash was really short.
score: ***

subperb entertainment

another great spoof on
zelda...ive been waiting so
long for the sequel to the
real legend. the visuals
are as gorgeous as ever.
the backgrounds are rich
with smooth, vibrant colors
and intricate details. the
caricatures were great and
all of the anime-esque facial
expressions really showed an
emphasis on an emotion, which
i have to say the characters have
a lot of life quality to them. the
voicework was subperb and
nicely done and choice of music
too. got a kick out of that kill bill
scene. with such great quality and
skill put together in flash and
presentation, with vibrant
characters and settings, and
a qwerky sense of humor, this
deserves a whopping score of:


the voicework was
subperb and the visuals
crisp, sharp, and smooth.
the material was distasteful
and wrong...but only if you
have a dark sense of humor :P
havent seen the anime series
of ms. dynamite, but after
seeing this im eager to watch
score: ****

clockwork little happiness

Age 35, Male


Hockinson High


Joined on 5/3/04

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