For an animation that soley relies on humor, it failed in my view. Then again I guess you saw this coming, so it shouldn't be a surprise to you.
For an animation that soley relies on humor, it failed in my view. Then again I guess you saw this coming, so it shouldn't be a surprise to you.
That was original and unique sense of humor you have there. Loved every bit of it.
Those two kids reminded me of lerry and perry off Home Movies on adult swim. Am I the only one who notices this?
Voicework was clear and hilarious.
Very bizarre humor and stroyline, very remeniscent of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. As to why I keep refer to adult swim cartoons is beyond me, but it just remindes me of that professional quality, do more!
Comedy gold indeed!
Why sticks?
Why, why, why?
Despite poor choice for an animation the music was the highlight, but you could tell that the intro was on a loop.
Very typical storyline with plot. Nothing original or new.
Violence was sparse, but I couldn't help, but to notice how you got the bullet entry wrong. When he got shot, there should be more blood coming out the back then the front, you got the other way around. Entry wounds are always smaller then the back ones.
not too shabby
It's been such a long time, hasn't it?
At 1st it took me awhile to remember this series.
The graphics are as great as before and the voicework is professional and clear to hear.
Though I din't find it that funny or humourous, but it has some charm to it.
Love the noir-esque look to it and choice of music was subperb. I like the sense of style in animation and graphics. Top notch blood and violence all the way. Also, who keeps a glass case of a kitana by a vending machine? jk
woot woot
damn fine indeed
Don't Blink V2+ was better. The reason I say this is becuase I just recently watched it in the flash portal today and I had high hope for this one. Animation adn graphics were great as ever, but wtf?! As to why the content in the cartoon was horrible and the fact that it was very long and stretched out to give some longevity, when really nothing happened to make it last that long. Is there a secret meaning behind it's incoherentcy? I could really care less if there was one and doubt if there is.
It has godzilla in it....
Too bad the visuals couldn't hide the fact of it being horrible.
hello, i dont no wtf a mjc4 is so i cannot sing a song about your ng alias... BUT i can sing one about your vampire movie! here it goes
VAMPIRE!!! (da na na naaaa) Theres a thing called mjc4 and i dunno wtf that is (da na na) LOOK its a gun da na na
I thought that quetzalcoatl was the sun god?
I guess I get confused with aztec gods, correct me if I'm wrong.
This was original in concept and design. The graphics and animation were great and I adore it. I think a few people were confused on the fact that it is a animated comic. Very unique blend of comic and cartoon.
Very stylish in looks and design. Liked the use of shadow which seems dominate in this cartoon/comic. Also the way you made it look like the paint work on the stone wall, in the beginning, was awesome and I loved the fact of how quetzalcoatl came to be. Perfect blend of ground and air, ooOOoh so very cool.
Violence was sparse, but wasn't one of the main categories of the film.
Sound, or more appropriately music, was well chosen and fits perfectly with what you are doing. Though the music during the fight scene was great, but kinda of stuck out from all of the rest though. Don't know if that is bad or not, but interperate it as you wan't. I still thought it was great.
The fact that it was 10-15 min long was another good bonus.
Despite people's complaints of it being a trailer and not a flash cartoon is dissapointing. Though to review a trailer you have to lower your standards because it won't be as great as the final version. It was short, but the author chose it to be that way. It would of been nice if it were more like fallen angel, but whatever.
Music fits with the mood perfectly.
Graphics were almost perfect, but the animation wit his feet walking could have been better.
Style was very unique in visuals, but that's about it. There isn't that much happening here to make the story seem intriguing, but al least it looks good. Very clever use of shadow and light, also the refelection of the monster in the man's eye was very cool too.
Violence was sparse and consisted of a blood spray.
For a trailer it made me interested into what it was all about and for a trailer, that's what they are suppose to do. Though it was short, I think it was done intentionally to not reviel too much of the plot, so I understand.
Yeah, I totally agree with u, that maybe I should have made the trailer a bit longer, thanx for the comment, I hope you will hang around till the first episode
perfection incarnate
woot woot
That is the most unique ting I have ever seen. Your sense of style in animation is astonishing and one of the best fbf animations ever. It's original in concept, but reminds me of synj's alien hominid in art and design. Musi was very pleasent to listen to and fits the catoon very well. The only problem I had with it is that I wanted more! Already your style has me interested more into your works. Also, the funny thing is, you can blink and not really miss thing. Of course a lot of events were happening, but not as faced paced as described. Though, if it were, we wouldn't be able to see your awesome animations, so I'm happy. =D
Very interesting, tennis mixed with anime?
The intro sets the back info on characters, but hopefully the story will be revieled in future ep? The animation was great, when there was some. I find it funny that there is a scene selection when all there is is an intro.
Does this remind anyone of xin series?
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04