Neither disguted or humourous I feel.
Glad that at least the twinky character was authentic, but nothing really keeps or warrents the cartoons appeal. I guess you would like it if you have a low sense of humour, but whatever...
Neither disguted or humourous I feel.
Glad that at least the twinky character was authentic, but nothing really keeps or warrents the cartoons appeal. I guess you would like it if you have a low sense of humour, but whatever...
Psychological thriller indeed!
Liked the concept of him being the killer too with the 2 sides battling out between each other in a internal conflict. It took me several watchings to get it and overall it was impressive. Obviously it was noir and people don't understand that it was or what makes a noir...well...a noir.
The graphics were top notch, but animation seemed to be sparse.
Music was solid and fitting.
I personally wasn't scared, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it! Glad that it wasn't overlooked and has recieved some much deserved attention.
I don't understand why some people don't like psychological thrillers? Personally I love them and perfer them over hack and slasher horror movies were they use gore as a scare factor. I like me horror with some intelligence put into it and this truely delivers. I just wish I wasn't the only one who liked The Ring.
That was really disturbing, would of liked it better if inflatible jesus didn't talk. Humans tend to be scared of the unknown, so the silent treatment would of been better. Personally, I thought it was good, especially since it's near halloween time, but it didn't even get me creeped out. The graphics weren't the best, but atmospere was perfect. The whispering and echoes really did add to a somewhat shallow cartoon. The concept was bizarre, but it's whats expected from you =P
Loved it's charming appeal. Wouldn't be cool if all dads were that insane? I find it really humourous of how randomly incoherent this was and how overly enthusiastic the dad was, yet disturbing =D
It had solid animation with music that seemed fitting. Though simplistic, it was enjoyable to watch.
Very impressive and high production quality. Obviously you have a lot of talent and I enjoyed it. Yeah, I was a little dissapointed to see it was sticks. Sticks are overused, bland, uncreative, and an excuse for easy animation. As to why people don't take them time to do actual characters is beyond me, I don't care if it's your own personnel style, but it happens to be about 100's of other flash animator's style too.
Don't you want your cartoon to be unique and different? Despite the one flaw of this animation, the rest were gorgeous. Loved every delicous eye candy moment of it. Though, as strange as it is, the blood spraying was beatiful. Just for the fact of how well it was animated, so smooth and slick. The music was also another good point for it really added to the mood of the story. Very creepy and disturbing =D
Overall it was a very professional experience, especial with the extras and menu just like a dvd, and I enjoyed it a lot. This was very excpetional of attention. It was actually good for a stick animation and I just more were as amazing as this or a least try to be innovative and break some ground.
Thanks for the long review :D
I never saw that coming, very creative twist.
Liked how the title fits with this animation so perfectly, it is unreal in the sense. Very mythical and had that blurred glow to it as if it where in a dream. The color palette is smooth and rich with viceral sweetness. I adored this little cartoon and it would be pleasing to see more form you. Very innovative and original, something that newgrounds lacks.
That was really surprising and a breath of fresh air. Liked the character concept of hearts. The whole idea of the apocalypse and the ultimate struggle between good and evil was just awesome. Everything worked prefectly and the music realy added to the mood. The violence was exceptional, but I would of liked more action then just the angel ripping the demons in two or plunging his fist into them. Like a sword fight or something more dramatic. I'm really not complaining, but trying to point out some spots that could of been better. I guess the ending was fitting, but seemed a little short. It left me wondering wtf?! I kind of excpected a better ending then that, it was over way to soon before I even realized that it was. I wouldn't be complaing about it too much if there were going to be more episodes becuase the ending was perfect for a continuation, but seeing that this was the last episode had me dissapointed.
Thanks for putting all of the episodes into one, it saved some time on my part by watching all of them in one sitting. Like your style, make more please!
Isn't that beethoven?
Music was great, but seemed a little out of place with your animation. Moody music with something that is quirky and somewhat humourous doesn't mix.
Graphics were great and must of been a pain to do, so I won't rob you of your dignity and hard work you have obviously put into it. I would of like more, but it was great while it lasted.
Glad you put some more thought and style into your animation, unlike other random, incoherent cartoons. Liked the use of x for eye's, obviously it has been done before, but your's is unique.
That was really a surprise. I pratically forgot about this series, but noticing you being mention on the front page made me squeal like a little school boy, jk.
This was another great entry and was exactly what I expected from you guys. Music was just awesome and fits the mood perfectly. I also happened to notic a few changes in characters looks in this chapter, but for the better, obviously. They look a lot cleaner and crisper around the edges. The graphics and animation is great as ever.
Violence was top notch and when ghai went berserk on that one guy, it just looked sick, in a good way though.
Story is always as intriging as ever and no complaits at all. This was a solid experience in animation and overall quality presentation. Be great to see more from you and keep it up! If I had to complain about one thing is no voicework, but I know you guys are working on it so I understand.
Also the smooth color palette was delicous, visual eye candy. Maybe most people won't comment on it, but I enjoyed it!!!
It looked more like a snail then a fish with those appenedages sticking out of the shell. The graphics were really slick and solid. Very impressive animation skills you have there, but storyline seemed to lack any outstanding carm or appeal. Which it seemed like it would since it has killer looks. Maybe it's just me, but despite how it didn't appeal to me with the story, it looked damn fine.
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04