9/10: subperb
This is more like it, I think the story has gotten alot better! I like the conspiracy aproach rather then scfi one. Though this is still futuristic in the sense, but a lot more intriguing and intresting. I was surprise to see this episode so quickly, it seems you have already made these episodes before hand and are realesing them one by one. I wait eagerly for the 3rd, but couldn't understand why those guys in the trenchcoat (that try to hunt down abeil and keep flugooz a secret) shot one of the energitcally enchanced super soldiers (gather flugooz for thier masters that betrayed abeil)? I thought they were both on the same side or was it that the one soldier was actually working with abiel? Whatever, but it's hard to keep up with the story in subtitles while not trying to miss a beat of the awesome graphics. Would of been a perfect score if you got this fixed. I know it adds to the games style, but it is annoying!
4/5 r