View Profile Michelangelo

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9/10: subperb

It seemed that you cleaned up the animation up a bit, but might need a little more work. Also it's nice that I can watch the ep without seeing that you obviously used the brush tool to outline the characters. Just one of the pet peeves I had with the series from the start, but I was never to much into the look of the cartoon, but more into the style of it. How often do you see a series based on a school that is so crupt that the teachers and school faculty plan to kill the students. The students froming gangs and constantly beating each other up just for fun. With over the top violence (realisticly though) and action.
4/5 r

9/10: subperb

Woot woot!!!
That was awesome, finally the series is starting to get better since the last couple of ep. Loved how xin grab that school security guy by the face and was crunching his skull. I gotta give it to you, despite the disapperance of the voicework. The bone crunching noises each and every hit they make just sounds excellent! Also the music was awe inspiring because it was pleasent to listen to and has a good beat. Gotta check out the rest!!!
4/5 r

7/10: good

It was incredibly short, so I can't really say much about it. It was still another nicely done entry in the series, but got over way too soon.
3/5 r
Would of been hire if this ep had some "meat" on it.

7/10: good

I think the only reason I like this movie was because it reminded me of taking 2 different brands of toys and having them riduculsy fight each other...when I was like 7...geesh...it's not like I still do it now...or do I?
3/5 r
Wish that it would of been longer and didn't end so abruptly.

neonfox3 responds:

if my movie's emding sucks its usualy because my friend comes over and rushes me. GRRRRR! i hate that. thats means its points off of my NG score

7/10: good

I liked how unique the characters were by how they had marshmellow heads. The animation was sparse though and the words were more annoying then helpful (it stuck out like s a sore thumb). The point to the story was true and well taken, but suicide isn't the right thing to do. He may think that it would make life easier, but how do you think the impact would be on everyone that knew him well (family & friends). I do despise how people bully others without knowing the fatal consequences of thier actions (either to themselves like suicide or others like shootings).
3/5 r
Get's the point across.

Frank-Uselesschris responds:

thnx srry about the annoying words i was gonna place them in the boader and speak them but my mic doesnt wanna work properly so it would sound really bad

9/10: subperp

It's nice to see another chapter in the series, I have totally forgotten about this one. I could just watch them on yuor site, but I can wait. Everything was top notch and the best of quality. Though it was only done by a few individuals, it looks like studio quality. Though my only problem was that you bearly animate your characters. 90% of the time the characters are stationary in a pose and only have thier moves moving. It's the best lip sync I have ever seen, but it was dissapointing to see little movement from them. Of course they did run across the bridge, but all you can see was a couple of dark figures. Just try to make them move more fluently and it will be awesome. Also the music fits with the mood perfectly, but the lack of sound effects was dissapointing. Maybe I am complaining to much, but is a few changes asking for too much?
4/5 r
Great viewing pleasure it has been, intrigue to find what happens next.

7/10: good

It wasn't that much of an improvement over the last ep, which was a dissapointment. Though what keeps this ending up like the last was it's action. I thought the intro was stylish, especially with the obscure bodies and blood that where strewn all over behind xin. I still miss the ep with the excellent voicework from ep 3-4! Though the music and sound effects (bones cracking) weren't too shabby and the bone shattering technique was cool when it was delayed after the 1st hit (arm breaking). Though, if you had your arm dislocated, why would his arm bleed?
3/5 r

6/10: okay

For once I'm dissapointed with a xin episode. This one did nothing to surpass the last one or even retain it's appeal. The graphics are starting to show rough spots and hasn't been improved since the 1st episode on this site. The action and violence was minimal. The story continued of course, but didn't have any surprises. Also, what happened to the voicework? The last 2 ep had it, why not this one? This leaves me no choice, but to...
2/5 r
I hope next ep makes a recovery.

9/10: subperb

That's more like it! I'm glad that the story is starting to make a little more sense with this chapter. Despite my complaints of the previous episodes, I'm starting to like the sub titles and how the characters speek in spanish (if that is what they are speaking in). It really does add to the style. This is obviously going to earn a spot in the newgrounds collection. This is a great series and looks like it's getting better by the day! Also like how you prepare yourself a head of time, so we don't have to wait eagerly for each episode.
5/5 r

clockwork little happiness

Age 35, Male


Hockinson High


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