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10/10 viewing: perfection incarnate

I did enjoy it!
Liked the whole butterfly effect...
overall: 5/5 r
- mj

10/ 10 viewing and playing: perfection incartnate!

Are you tired of bland video game parodies...then look no further to Decline of Video Gaming 2!!! It features parodies such as:
Konami & Metal Gear Solid
Mario & his creator
Capcom & the Resident Eil crew
Nintendo DS
Square Enix & Final Fantasy
Gun Crisis
The Whole entire E3 expo convention
and so much more...get this for a special unheard viewing of 14 min. Yes, 14 MINUTES!!!
Order now and recieve 2 extra bonus games with ironing miscellaneous clothing & daily grocery store shopping ACTION(echo)!!!
Listen to the critics rave...
It was a good parody of everything gaming and should make it on top 50, win 3-4 awards, and make it on the hompage. I just wish that it wouldn't end. Too bad it didn't show the Konami's plan of having Ninja from Metal Gear attack them...what's up with that? If you are looking for a meaty cartoon that will fit into at least 3 parody sections, then I reccomend that you watch this. A must see!!!
5/5 r
- mj

9.25/10 viewing: subperb

After looking at all of the feature cartoons on Newgrounds hompage, I head to the portal. For the last couple of days, there hasn't been anything new or intresting. I've been dissapointed with all of the supposedly decent and excellent cartoons in the portal, until now. This is so slick, stylish, and most impressive work I've seen yet. This is the kind of material that I stress for authors to do in their animations, but they won't listen or undrstand me. Most think that thier work is already impressive because of their supposedly rankings...grr! Yeah this is short, but it's sweet, which more then makes up for it's lack of longevity. Also it's original too because I've never seen a cartoon done on bouncers and if I have, at least not where the kid try's to break in by kicking the bouncer's ass by grabbing his...croutch?...lol...plus david hasselhoff is a duffus. The music fits perfectly, despite what people say and didn't really need voices. The dialouge was 2 sentences!!! Nice breath of fresh air and a quite entertaining animation, good job!
5/5 r
- mj

IcE-3D responds:

Thanks... Yer he did grab his croutch :D

6/10 viewing: okay

It's obvious that you got most of you're artistic animation from David Firth, the creator of Salad Fingers. The atmosphere was moody and atmospheric, but overtime got boring and bland because it didn't do anything creepy or shocking. Just this weird little creature walking around and sitting in a abandoned house all by himself. The only part that did surprise me was that he was a toy at the end. I could tell that he was a toy from the begining by looks, but didn't quite know for shure. Next time, if there is one, make it do something shocking and try to develpoe you're own style instead of coping others. I know David Firth has some pretty amazing animations and I wish I had his too, but just try to make your's original and unique so it stands out more by having a excellent score, instead of a decent one.
2/5 r

3.5/10 viewing: ugly

I guess spending only a day working on it translates into this. I did however like how Pepsi and Coco-Cola characters looked and that they were nicely done, but the animation and story seemed to drag out way to long and left me board and pleading for it to stop. Also, what kinda of battle royal was it when all they did was a simple brain game that even a kindergardener could do...I guess that the other battle, poker, wasn't that bad. I wish that they actually did a physical fighting match too. Also how much of fight was it when they finished Mountain Dew just by opening him?! WOW, I didn't see that coming (sarcastic). It seemed that you just rushed it out in time just to have it finnished and didn't put much thought into making it good and truely stand out.
1/5 r

ricem0nsta responds:

Yup, i didnt put much thought to it.

this was mearly just for fun, not supposed to be some hardcore battle stuff. sorry if it aint ur cup of tea.

7.5/10 viewing: good

Liked the white pencil on black background effect, it was pretty cool and refreshing to look at. The music however did sound abnoxious, but oddly did get the point across and fits with the story and mood perfectly. Very simplistic, but shows basically what war is about and has always been. Another nincely done intrey indeed.
3/5 r
- mj

9/10 viewing: subperb

It wasn't too bad...not bad at all...I think the characters have a lot of personality and it would be cool to see a series be done on them. The only part that me made me laugh was when cycon shot the person in the wheel chair and the person behind it while acting innocent and casual about it. His smile was classic, I hope it becomes a series.
4/5 r
kudos, mj

9.2/10 viewing: subperb

That does need to be on the front page! You are really good at humor, especially claveman 1/5, and you should do more. When I thought it was getting old, it surprised me at the end. I won't ruin it for anyone, but it's not to surprising either. This is has excellent everything and deserves a...
5/5 r

clockwork little happiness

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