i remember that show!
not too shabby:
I can't help, but to feel a bit nostalgic after viewing this title. Memories of the cartoon were constantly coming up and I enjoyed how similair it was to the show. Does anyone remeber darkwing duck? I think he had that baffon duck as a sidekick too. Despite all of those fond memories of watching saturday morning cartoons, this flash wasn't too bad. The style was unique and did shine in some areas. At times the visulas were great, but that doesn't mean it didn't have it's share of rough spots though. I liked how contrasting they were between actually drawn characters, which I got to admit, look great.
Humour wasn't that great and seemed bland and uncreative in some spots, but I couldn't help to smirk when michael jackson made an appearence. Though it has been done before, I just thought it was hilarious when he sat down with hewie or luie... whatever his name...and said: you know what happens to little boys when they call the cops. Love that line =D
This reminds me of the scary movie series because there are so many spoofs on a wide range of media:
the ring, girl from the well; transformers, optimus prime; evil dead, groovy; mj, michael jackson; scooby doo, attempt to run away from the monster with 70's music playing in the background.
Though it really didn't relate to resident evil at all, just the fact that they ran into a mansion.