metal gear nostolgia
finally a excellent and subperb
flash version of metal gear solid.
the storyline was qwerky and of
its one creation, but relies on its
sense of humor more. the visuals
were eye candy with a sharp, clear
quality; professional presentation,
such as menu interactivity, talent
in overall project like voicework
and in animation; awesome and
adorable caricatures of some of
the classic characters like snake,
solid and liquid, ninja or aka: grey
fox, and otacon too.
though i was kinda hoping to see
some more characters from the
franchise, but probably in future
episodes? the humor was somewhat
entertaining, but not that appealing.
at times i wonder whether or not it
was a metal gear spoof without the
graphics and look of things telling
me otherwise. also, i wish and ask
for more nostalgic moments. im
glad that it is trying to at least
come up with its wacky storyline,
but it kinda detracts from the overall
metal gear feel. especially with that
made up character...which looks like
a knock off fortune and her rail gun.
though the whole package was a
breath of fresh air to say and i
hope to see at least some more
itterations...hopefully with more
characters and scenerios. just
needs more then two inside jokes
then liquid being the right arm of
revolver ocelot and the 2nd controller
port trick needed to beat psycho mantis.
score: *****