solid movie
the story might of been generic
and the facial expression crappy;
however, the visual effects were
top notch and music excellently
solid movie
the story might of been generic
and the facial expression crappy;
however, the visual effects were
top notch and music excellently
well, i like is charmable style,
but the visuals look horrendous.
music was very fitting too...
in matter of fact, why isnt it as
good as your xunmato episodes?
are you possible going to make
another becuase i enjoyed the
original, very reminscent to that
of trigun :P
YES!!!!! a Xunmato fan!!! woohooo!! well as you can see... erhem.. I am in the process of making Xunmato ep2, and Xunmato the game with a friend :) you'll get your Xunmato!! Digital freedom was just something I did in 3 days for spare time. Xunmato will come out soon, in Gods timing, not ours :)
i enjoyed it...the music fits
with the animation and the
visuals werent too shabby.
though, seeing the cat go
through all this training just
to be in a fight cloud at the
end, im dissapointed. it seems
you have put a lot of work into it
and just rushed the ending just to
get done with it or either you just
got sloppy in that one particular scene...
and its not like this is exactly new in
terms of originality also.
it was mediocre. the visuals
were okay, only in the sense
that it had its own artistic flare.
though the cartoony facial expressions
seemed a little off putting. the music
wasnt too shabby, but not particulary
amazing. i have a lot of mixed feelings
about this and so seems a lot of viewers.
it was on the short side and didnt show
anything stylishly new or original. also,
for a series consisting up of only four episodes,
im hoping the next one makes up a lot of ground.
not too shabby
great choice of music and
the visuals are silky smooth
in animation; however, the
content material was boring.
i like the sense of style in
the content and artistically.
though the animation was simplstic
and the music seemed a little qwerky,
but i still love the area 51 idea; dont
see it often used.
the special effects were uber spiffy
to the max with extra kudos points.
though it would of been nicer if it wasnt
that slow paced as it was.
meh, it could of been better if the
visuals werent so bland and the music
too, but it was fitting.
finally, a variety in the collaberation.
the game wasnt that bad, but not that
entertaining to keep interest and thier
was some poor collison detecting in the
last level.
avg score:
very impressive
im impressed, the amount of work
you put into this series is noticeable
and astonishing. The visuals are realisitic;
voicework has character and sfx was appropiate;
storyline is intriguing and has me hooked
after one viewing, despite i havent seen any
other episodes. this series is just as great
as any motion captured film and really keeps
the viewers attention. great job, only if more
flash authors put more effort into thier
animations as you do :P
not too shabby
it wasnt that bad of an animation.
the visuals were solid and the humor
was medicore. it was appealing, but its
been done before and just doesnt feel
that original or fresh to me. also, though
you did even agree in the authors comments,
the voicework was atrocious. not that it was
bad, but it just sounded horrible; really poor
audio quality. however, i did find it somewhat
amusing and it does deserve the attention on
front page. so it gets a average score of...
nice job regardlessly
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04