very tough and addictive,
though it seems a little too challenging
at times, but is still a good game. like
the concept, very unique and original...
well...for a flash game that is.
very tough and addictive,
though it seems a little too challenging
at times, but is still a good game. like
the concept, very unique and original...
well...for a flash game that is.
score: 15992
its a simple game that is somewhat
entertaining. i like the concept of the
game, but it has been done before with
'squares'. the game had a slow
beginning, but makes up for it in
the later portion when your cat
becomes enormously huge;
however, there wasnt much fun
to be haved here, so it doesnt really
warrant a replay. plus, compare to
square's rythmic music, fast gameplay,
and responsive controls...this just pales
in comparison.
not too shabby
*the visuals are really neat and i
adore them. its similiar to that of
cell shading on systems giving it
a cartoony 2d look, but in 3d.
*the sfx were fitting, but at minimal;
however, it got really repitious and
annoying when constanly hearing those
pesky rats.
*the game design wasnt that spectacular.
move from area to area while killing the
same enemies. though i do realize that thats
what most shooters are, it seemed a little too
redundant in this. also, the game was way too
short and didnt put much of a fight, leaving me
bored and unsatisfied with it. the only thing that
was somewhat entertaining was the original
concept of shooting in two different directions;
though loses accuarcy and firepower, but handy
when clearing areas. i havent seen that done
before and it surprised me.
*violence was basic and left more
to be desired is a fps.
*most of its style score goes into
the art design and crazy, slick
animation eye candy.
wow, its a major improvement
over the last game! i didnt like
the last powerfox mainly because
it was too easy and lacked depth.
however, this has sooo many
powerups, especially that kickass
helicopter! and on top of that, theres
finnally a difficulty selection mode.
so i can replay this after ive betten
normal and attempt hard. this was
very frentic and fast paced action.
the on screen mayhem was intense
and the battle with bonzai tree was one
of the most extreme flash boss battle
ive played it, i bearly beat him in the
third round; whew! its also improved
visually and cant wait for version four.
also sorry about the ironic suggestion
i made on the last powerfox, didnt realize
you where also the creator of castle cat :P
more paths would of been
nice. the effects were pretty
nifty, but nothing to be amazed at.
just wish the animation wasnt
sticks. stick figures are the lowest
form of art and the equivalent to
what preschoolers draw. with that
said, it did hurt the style and only
graphics by a little. the game was
as fun as an average day at school,
for better or worst depending on
how you take it. just try to make
it more exciting and fun to play
next time because this felt monotous.
nothing too
new or interesting.
too simple
its only fun once.
has no sound.
nice concept, but the
character design has
already been done countless
time before.
visually simplistic and bland.
i will admitt it was somewhat
charming, but its nothing to
get excited over.
not too shabby
the visuals could of been better.
the gameplay itself wasnt bad,
but way too short and easy. though
the boss fights were pretty unique,
especially hannibal on top of his
elephant. the music was great and
fighting; like the announcer that is
similair to that of mortal kombat and
the fast paced, frenzied techno. the
powerups added a nice touch, but
was an overkill on the easy difficulty.
if you were to do a sequel, it would
be nice if you were to make it along
the lines of castle kat (beat-em up on
this site) or if it were to be still a fighter,
just add more oppenets and moves. it
just seems better as a beat-em up with
its style and more fitting.
a lot better then carious welting, just
because its not restricted to a single
area, and has the option of buying
items from venders in between levels.
the concept of the game is neat and a little
ironic since you, the seal, sell skin clothing
from humans to gish (nice cameo appearence).
and a game couldnt be a game, without boss
fights. overall it was a good game, it was on
the challenging side, but not that impossible.
the visuals were top notch and violent, and the
game design was very neat, due to the help
from riftmaster. i was surprised that i was able
to quickly dodge to the side, having the spear
go right into one of the enemies; however, there
was a glitch were the enemies could hit you from
coming downhill. while you couldnt hit them, while
coming up. which is dissapointing because overall
i ended up wasting all of my lives on the first level.
close to perfect, but...
i like the sense of style this
game has; like a mix of madness
combat, divine intervention,
devil may cry, and blade. it
would of been better if it
was longer and had more
variety; ie: different levels,
more vampires, some type
of close up weapon like a
sword, and bosses. if this
has bosses, i would be in
a eurotopia of gaming
goodness. i can just imagine
going up against a huge monster
that takes up half the screen.
despite the fact of it lacking
some depth; not in story, just
in gameplay. it does have a nice
variety of weapons that act differently
and appropiately to what you expect.
its also frentic when your jumping all
over the screen while changing weapons
on the fly to ensure not to be caught with
out of ammo. if your were to make a sequel,
just make it along the lines of contra so
it wont just feel like another itteration.
and plus, it would be just so kick ass if
it was.
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04