Graph: sharp, clear, smooth,
crisp, refine...everything that
is necessary for kickass visuals.
the explosions were highly detailed
and fluid, while the blood effects were
responsive and satitsifing. though those
are nothing compared to some of the spells
you can perform which are remeniscent to
the behemoth summoning attacks you
can perform in the final fantasy series.
Sty: the game had a very unique flare to
it, especially the vast variety of enemies
which come in different shapes and sizes.
the enemies are just as bizzare to that of
serious sam, even the figures with
bombs attached to its hands. though
this is just like every other previous
demonic defence game, except with
the exception of boss battles every
ten levels. which is a new mechanic
to an all ready overused genre.
Sou: the sfx effects were appropiate,
but was even more surprising was
the music from old snes games
such as tmnt and i think sonic.
Inter: the game is just as addictive
as ever and one could easily lose
hours just playing it; if i didnt stop
at level 21 i could of continued
forever, but with the save feature,
i can easily just pick up and play
off again. which is a very handy
feature. not only that, there were
several options of gameplay to
choose from which retains the
games replay value and keeps
it from becoming repitive and
monotous. overall, it was a
extremely well made game and
its obvious that you put every
effort into it out of the four months.
it sucks that is the last demonic defense
because i doubt another 'defend the base
game' will surpass this for a long while.
score: *****