nicely done, it takes an overused
idea and genre of flash games, and
renovates it; especially with out the
use of the typical stick figures. the
animation was rather crisp and the
visual asthetic soothing to look at.
the techno music did become repititive
over time, but otherwise a minor complaint.
what makes this so different, besides the
change of content, is the fact that its more
challenging then previous defend the base
games. in the previous incarnations, most
of it came down to a simple click fest...unlike
this, which relies on you to conserve your
shots and increase your own accuracy, in
order to prevent a temporary shut down
and major loss of health. some of the
upgrades where pointless, like designing
the look of your comp, mainly because in
a game like this, you have to upgrade other
parts of your arsenal in order to survive it all.
plus, the lack of reinforcements for your defense
does feel alienating in the begining...though
overall it was still entertaining and addictive.
score: ****