solid game
i havent had such fun since xiao xiao
shooter...which is saying something,
since there aren't many or much as
there should be of the scroll railing shooter.
score: ***
solid game
i havent had such fun since xiao xiao
shooter...which is saying something,
since there aren't many or much as
there should be of the scroll railing shooter.
score: ***
solid game
we all are familiar with the infamous web
game, snowcraft, but finally there is another
worth playing over. for one, the AI of your
team mates are smart and are able to handle
themselves, without having to constantly watch
their back, as well as your own. two, the physics
make sense and require you to move into your
throw, rather then aimlessly running & gunning;
which adds more difficulty, but for the better. 3,
if you ever get board with the quite extensive
layout of fields, you can make your own with a
editor. which makes the game more interactive
and adds replay value. my only gripe is the lack
of linear 1 player story mode or something along
the lines of it, but otherwise, there isnt much here
can hate.
score: ***
solid game
despite it being the ideal, basic shooter,
with the theme of the holidays as its premise...
it was still very entertaining and addicitive. plus
you actually feel how cool the powerups where
in the number of packages you can knock out
in a instant.
score: ***
not too shabby
it was entertaining for the first half,
then lost its steam in the 2nd. especially
with the lag fest of the flying mechanics.
i understand the attempt to throw diversity
in gameplay for more depth, but it just needs
to focus on being on the ground more; which
by the way, that aspect works. also the sound
was uninspiring and the art too. its obvious that
who ever drew the menu and ending scene, didnt
do the game as well. which shouldnt be appearent,
when looking at the overall quality.
score: ***
might be funny if they were connected together
to actually make a sensible phrase of insult.
then again, maybe the humor lies in the absurdity
of and in itself.
score: **
very enjoyable
never ceases to amaze me what different
game mechanics are always applied in dan's
games. i really enjoyed the different perspectives
it takes, from that of inside of war vehicle or that
of a grunt soldier; makes the area scale seem more
grand. not only that, but the colorfully sharp art style
is a signature mark that is always asthetically and
visually appealing.
score: ***
ultraviolence! & entertainment
now that is what i call bloody satisfaction!
the visuals were great, uses the extra features
and effects of pro 8.0 to the much,
that it actually lags quite a bit, even on the
lowest setting; mainly the only real set back,
despite the simplistic, platforming mechanics.
score: ***
it was a slight reinnovation from the
original spyhunter, more or less as a
advertisement. though the levels felt
repititive, simply destroy target with
the weapon that is provided, and repeat.
the more obvious, it was an over kill on
easy. just needs more of a challenge and
variation to be even slightly fun.
score: **
it wasnt entirely original or creative, due
to it has the same design as "fall down,"
but at least it threw in a points system by
not only avoiding obstacles, while keeping
on ground, yet trying to kill some demons
along the way. which gives incentive to try
this out, regardlessly of being midly entertaining.
score: **
solid game
nicely made, never seen a xiao xiao styled
visuals with sniper mechanics. the story
briefing is very detial and realistic, without
being overly done. plus, each mission requires
thought and aimless killing wont result necessarily
in a mission succes. my only problem is, as i was
starting to enjoy it, it finaly ends. hopefully in the
sequel, there will be more diverse objectives, such
as shooting the tires of a run away car or unique
hit points, with satisfying results.
score: ***
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04