stage 7
very amusing idea, though sadly it isnt
that easy to be neo in real life; though
we can at least imagine.
score: **
stage 7
very amusing idea, though sadly it isnt
that easy to be neo in real life; though
we can at least imagine.
score: **
not so much a game, but an ad for denvish's
one hit wonder song for newgrounds. plus it
reminds me of those horrible, tutorial mini-
games, that help you learn how to type faster.
not good times.
game design was simplistic, same for the
enviroments and characters. though it was
nicely rendered and music was fine. just
dont expect anything more then a bland,
basic platformer; with clear intentions to
promote the new walkman, then to be a
actual, entertaining, flash game. simply
put, its no different then the ads you see
on the banners of websites.
score: **
the concept of the game has been done
before...actually a couple of times, yet
there isnt much here to divert it from
playing exactly like them. except its
easier then most, with somewhat different
designs in traps and obstacles; regardlessly,
it does suffice on being a little entertaining
and the visuals were neat and clean. music
added a nice touch, but nothing amazing.
score: **
not too shabby
for a gadget, the character animation
for king kong was nicely done and very
expressive. the deaths were amusing
and somewhat satisfying for only 5, but
the amount of effort put in each one does
suffice. though what makes this truely stands
out, is the innovative, yet easy and effective
method for uploading a pic of someone you
hate. then to have him/her brutally pulverised
by the ruthless, Pongo pygmaeus!
score: ***
the game just wasnt entertaining, creative,
new, or original. the sprites were, however,
nicely rendered and the comic layout panels
were rich in design and visually appealing;
also, music was sparse and lackluster too.
though my biggest problem is the physics
with the side walls, confused as to why i cant
bounce it diagonally off, instead it follows it
evenly along, making it frustrating and difficult.
you say you fixed the bug, but it seems to be
still apparent.
score: **
Oke let me explain again.
The thing you are talking about is no bug.
You can play balls with curve. When the ball moves down from the upper wall and you ricochet that ball while moving your ship downwards, the ball gets a backspin. when it then hits the upper wall the curve on that ball will make the ball cling to the sides.
It is basicly the same effect that you encounter when you push your thumb onto a ping pong ball the ball will first move away from your thumbs but due to the backspin it will find grip on whatever surface its on and return to your thumb.
Sounds complicated but it really isn't.
You the rotation of the ship to ricochet in angles for less curving balls. Yo!
for what it is, its the best and perfect,
flash renditition of devil may cry. the
mechanics felt fluid and handled surprisingly
well. it was very entertaining to actually
expirement with the different set moves
to make up bloody, statisfying combos;
which not only looked cool in execution,
but got the job done. my only complaint
is the collision detection, at times, my
opponent would be facing away from me,
though his attack heading in the other
direction would hit me too. besides that,
the difficulty seemed right at home and
there is nothing more cool, then doing a
backwards somersault from enemies on
both sides, and releasing a barage of bullets
upon them. regardlessly it being a "dmc
tribute'', it wouldnt of hurt trying to put
the actually dante and friends there instead;
because the attempt to make it different and
of your own creation is slightly unique, but
more trivial.
score: ****
not bad, i find a fighting game with the
x-men crew and friends amusing with
nostalgia. not only that, but the idea
sounds appealing as a flash creation.
as much as i tried to enjoy it, the game
is rather simplistic in design and not so
much fighting, rather then just trial and
error. graphics werent too shabby, but
the audio was awful unfortuneatly.
score: **
|\|1(3|_Y |)0|\|3
its an amusing gadget that is useful for
annoying im's. though the 1337 translation
to english needs work regardlessly.
score: **
clockwork little happiness
Age 36, Male
Hockinson High
Joined on 5/3/04