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you cant go wrong

like the intro rating because
i actually watch cartoon films on
the comp during tech class and it was
so unexpected to see that. anyway, this
was a great action short, but like most
action shorts, they lack a real plot.
who cares though, it has pure carnage!
the music was an awesome choice and fits
with what you are doing. the noir esque
feel of the film was also fitting and the blood
really stands out. i also noticed how there
were references to the old batman
episodes, ie: the bad guy in
beginning had thug written on his shirt,
just like the classic batman goons.
also the boom screen towards the end
of this short.


mchawking responds:

thanks, man... I try to look out for you guys. I've had occasions in class watching films and having the wrong person see the wrong thing.

not too shabby

I didn't really find it unsettling, sorry.
It had some creepy moments, but it was too incoherent and random to actually enjoy. When about 80% of the movie consists of text and not enough imagery, it is dissapointing. If you are going to do a thriller/horror, you need visual imagery to back it up. Not that it didn't have any, it actually had some, but it seemed to lack in comparison to the text. Also, the imagery was just cheap thrills, I'm sorry if I wasn't scared by it. I did turn off the lights and turned up the sound, and I dead jump once, but becuase in one scene the sound was so sharply, piercing loud. You need to warn people not to do it becuase it's more annoying then horrifying. The concept was great, but it is dissapointing to actually stop the movie after viewing and trying the link to the deleted scenes. This is a bad point because you get taken out of the experience and it loses it momentum of scariness. Voicework was great and it feels more of a richer experience to hear it in other then english. Music was probably the creepiest thing in the movie with odd noises and babies crying. Just wish it wasn't so on the boring side and more disturbing and trust me, your ideas aren't that disturbing, creepy at most. At least it was more psycholigical then just pure violence.
Not bad, but should have more visuals and more original ideas. It just seemed typical thriller with ideas I have seen before. Voicework and audio was the highlight of the cartoon.
Wasn't that scary, but maybe thats just coming from a horror/thriller fan that has seen his share.


Xenosteel responds:

thank you for the amazing in-depth review, very critisizing = very helpful! This is one review I'm noting down because it will make me want to do things with a better quality!

About the imagery, I made it quite blank, I guess thats my style in doing things :)

I had no choice with the deleted scene thing because it exceeded the 16,000 frames limit :(


The beginning with kegel singing one of weezer's songs was charming.
Let me guess; enron, hellboy, oj, aragorn, and...and...
The overall presentation was preofessional and the voicework wasn't too bad, but there seemed to be slight variations between characters which are very obvious and easy to tell it was voiced by a single person.
Humour wasn't that abundant and seem to mostly rely on the ring melody and other easter eggs or cameos.
Also, surprisingly, the episode was pretty violent for a kegel one, but then agian it was a halloween edition.


jato responds:

and... ansel adams. (yeah, no doubt -- that's a tough one.)

also, don't forget milf's original costume when kegel thought he came as shakes the clown!

great feedback! extremely constructive. thanks. (seriously)

visual eye candy

not too shabby:
I wish it would of had a better resolution then that.
The visual style was very artistic and I like the gesture/contour style of the drawings.
It seemed sad, but I couldn't really fell sad though. More frustrated of how unsympathetic the human race is. The guys were just a bunch of a couple dumbasses. Though, it seems the kids playing had this innocence to them, but when they were throwing the rockas at the back of robots head. It just showed the true nature of human beings. It made sense what that woman was saying, but she did seem like a b**ch about it.
Music seemed sparse and voicework did lack feeling, but wasn't horrible.
Made me think differnet indeed =P
(look in ng profile)


AloneInTheDark responds:

Thank u! It was indeed not my purpose to make this sad, but more for us to have a look at human race from another point of view.

not too shabby

It makes sense now as to why he wanted to kill mario and luigi. Though I never thought that this series had a story line, no offense, because you had people decide which character toad should beat the shit out of.
The animation was great, liked how smooth the characters moved when fighting, though the graphics did seem subpar, but does add to it's sense of style and simplisity.
The violence is top notch and I liked the xray version of his spine braking under nemetoads punch.
I also have to add a note to how similair the characters are to azuma from street fighter. Just in clothes appearence and there fighting stance. Though not exactly as azuma's, they are both similair and I liked how they were bouncing in mid stance, just liked street fighter :D


mchawking responds:

I am a street fighter fan so I'm sure that played into it. As far as the storyline you're right up until now it really hasn't had one, it's just the all request and dedication series for ass beatings. I had actually alot of requests for a "NemeToad" So here he is. I also added in storyline so that the final episode... whenever that comes alone will be better. They have to have their final duel!



Very impressive and high production quality. Obviously you have a lot of talent and I enjoyed it. Yeah, I was a little dissapointed to see it was sticks. Sticks are overused, bland, uncreative, and an excuse for easy animation. As to why people don't take them time to do actual characters is beyond me, I don't care if it's your own personnel style, but it happens to be about 100's of other flash animator's style too.
Don't you want your cartoon to be unique and different? Despite the one flaw of this animation, the rest were gorgeous. Loved every delicous eye candy moment of it. Though, as strange as it is, the blood spraying was beatiful. Just for the fact of how well it was animated, so smooth and slick. The music was also another good point for it really added to the mood of the story. Very creepy and disturbing =D
Overall it was a very professional experience, especial with the extras and menu just like a dvd, and I enjoyed it a lot. This was very excpetional of attention. It was actually good for a stick animation and I just more were as amazing as this or a least try to be innovative and break some ground.


Get-lost responds:

Thanks for the long review :D


At 1st I was excited for this, but was dissapointed.
Liked the choice of music, sets the mood perfectly.
The graphics were simplistic, but had it's charm and appeal.
This was very typical in looks and would of been nice if you actually tried animating all of the story instead of cutting it short. Though I did like the clown concpet becuase clowns are so overlooked as a possible monster for something scary. Come on, thier way to over enthusiastic and happy !=o
The clown just happened to have a conviently placed axe in his hands?!

AntiClockClock responds:

Long movies can get boring... if this was any longer I'm afraid people would dislike it even more - just because of the ending.


In order of appearence and the first thing that pops into mind;
<meh, wasn't that impressive visually
<interesting and unique
<liked the visual style at first, but...
<dear god no
<please spare me
<can't take more
<come on
<smooth animation and looks
Too bad most of them weren't that amazing. I have seen better collections then this, wasn't horrible, but not that great either. The overall score is an average of all cartoons.
In my opinion, gank was the winner! Very unique style and animation, so kudos to him.

SeizureDog responds:

Whatdoyaknow, another stream of thoughts review.

Anyways, sorry you didn't like it too much, but I guess the style just appeals to some and not to others.

clockwork little happiness

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